
System Shock

Screenshot aus Dishonored 2

Introduction: The Genre Buster - On Terminology, History, Worldbuilding and Gameplay of the Immersive Sim (en/ger)

In the twenty years since Warren Spector introduced the “Immersive Simulation” it has developed into a prevalent, yet ephemeral term that is hotly debated every time a newly released game is associated with it. In this introduction, the editors trace the crucial commonalities of Immersive Sims – their solution-oriented game design, their empowering world design, and their outspoken creators – while showcasing the thematic breadth of the essays in this special issue.

A Genre of Hybrids – Structured Hybridity Through Communicative Purpose in Immersive Simulation

17. Mai 2023 ·
The genre of immersive simulation is increasingly difficult to identify as the games within it become more diverse in their gameplay and themes. While players and critics regularly discuss the genre online, academic discourse on the subject is largely absent. This article argues that the genre is defined by the way in which key developers express their communicative purpose in their games resulting in a game structure that is recognisably similar across titles. Through textual and paratextual analysis of Dishonored, the structural build-up of the game is compared to other games in the genre, aiding in understanding why these games are grouped together. [de] Das Genre der Immersive Sims ist zunehmend schwierig zu bestimmen, da die Spiele innerhalb des Genres in Bezug auf Gameplay und Themen immer vielfältiger werden. Während Spielende und Kritiker*innen regelmäßig online über das Genre diskutieren, findet ein akademischer Diskurs zu diesem Thema kaum statt. In diesem Artikel wird argumentiert, dass das Genre durch die Kommunikationsziele führender Entwickler bestimmt wird, was zu einer Spielstruktur führt, die in allen Titeln erkennbar ähnlich ist. Durch eine textuelle und paratextuelle Analyse von 'Dishonored' wird der strukturelle Aufbau des Spiels mit anderen Spielen des Genres verglichen, um zu verstehen, warum diese Spiele unter einem Genre gefasst werden.

Stealth, Immersive Sim und Atmosphäre(n): Eine wechselseitige Infiltration. Illustriert an ‚Hitman 3‘ und ‚Thief 2: The Metal Age‘

17. Mai 2023 ·
Dieser Beitrag diskutiert, wie das von Gernot Böhme (1937-2022) formulierte Vokabular zur Beschreibung von Atmosphären auf avatarbasierte Computerspiele angewandt werden kann, um das besondere Raumgefühl der Immersive Simulation zu charakterisieren. Dazu werden zwei Atmosphärenbegriffe entworfen: Eine Umgebungsatmosphäre, die auf Böhmes produktionsästhetischen Überlegungen aufbaut, und eine Spielatmosphäre. Die Abgrenzung leitet sich aus Böhmes Begriff der Diskrepanzerfahrung ab, der zwischen der Stimmung des Subjektes und einer umgebenden Atmosphäre unterscheidet. An die Stelle des Subjektes rückt die Rolle der Spielfigur, deren Zielstellung und Handlungspotenziale als Spielatmosphäre im Konflikt zu ihrer Umgebungsatmosphäre stehen. Die Funktionsweise des hier entworfenen Konzeptes wird anhand von Thief 2: The Metal Age (Looking Glass Studios 2000) und Hitman 3 (IO Interactive 2021) skizziert. Schließlich werden einige allgemeine Tendenzen der Spielatmosphären von Immersive Simulations beschrieben.

Impermanent Aliens – Modifying the digital body in Prey

17. Mai 2023 ·
Self-Enhancement is a prominent feature of 'Prey' (2017), as well as of other games within the concept of immersive sim, such as the 'Deus Ex' series (2000-2016) or 'Dishonored 2' (2016), offering complex opportunities for reflections on body-modification and its role for construction of identity. Even though these strategies aren’t exclusively reserved to immersive sims, the principles of the concept allow a direct connection between the enhancement of the avatar and the influence of chosen approaches of playing on the digital environment. Applying cyberfeminist perspectives to the analysis of decision-making for (or against) modifying the digital body within 'Prey', the immersive sim presents itself as potential game concept for reflections on possibilities of queered identities.

Immersive Sims and Moral Gameplay: A Case Study from Deus Ex

17. Mai 2023 ·
This paper is about immersive sims and moral gameplay. Moral gameplay is defined in terms of opportunities to exercise moral skills associated with the Four Components of moral expertise, and the moral player as someone who engages with a game’s moral content on its own terms, treating moral scenarios as moral and not merely opportunities to maximise ludic outcomes. The Four Lenses, a loose framework derived from the Four Components, is a set of questions and perspectives intended to help developers design moral gameplay by facilitating moral agency. The crux of this paper is that the design philosophy of immersive sims is highly consonant with the Four Lenses framework, and therefore especially well-suited for designing morally engaging gameplay. To illustrate this, I dissect a scene from the immersive sim Deus Ex and show how the Four Components manifest to make for compelling moral gameplay.
Screenshot aus Dishonored 2

CfP “The Genre Buster – On Terminology, History, Worldbuilding and Gameplay of the Immersive Sim” / „Der Genre-Buster – Zu Terminologie, Geschichte, Weltenbau und Gameplay der Immersive Sim“

16. Februar 2022 ·
(German version below) At a glance: Research/research projects on all possible facets of Immersive Sim welcome (see below for possible topics and questions) Abstract by 04/10/2022 (max. 300 words) to paidia(at) (blind peer review process) Feedback by the end of May Full paper to be submitted by 10/15/2022 Contributions in...
© 2025 Paidia - Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung (ISSN: 2363-5630)