
Aska Mayer

Aska Mayer is a researcher with a background in Fine Arts and Art Theory, focussing on idea-historical approaches to apocalyptic narratives, as well as modified bodies in BioArts and Digital Games. Currently based in Finland, Aska is completing a master’s degree in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art, researching on the representation and reception of crisis in digital games in relation to the concept of Neo-Baroque.

Impermanent Aliens – Modifying the digital body in Prey

17. Mai 2023 ·
Self-Enhancement is a prominent feature of 'Prey' (2017), as well as of other games within the concept of immersive sim, such as the 'Deus Ex' series (2000-2016) or 'Dishonored 2' (2016), offering complex opportunities for reflections on body-modification and its role for construction of identity. Even though these strategies aren’t exclusively reserved to immersive sims, the principles of the concept allow a direct connection between the enhancement of the avatar and the influence of chosen approaches of playing on the digital environment. Applying cyberfeminist perspectives to the analysis of decision-making for (or against) modifying the digital body within 'Prey', the immersive sim presents itself as potential game concept for reflections on possibilities of queered identities.
© 2025 Paidia - Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung (ISSN: 2363-5630)